Download Novel Assassin's Creed Series Lengkap

s Creed Series dibuat sesuai dengan dongeng di dalam game Assassin Download Novel Assassin's Creed Series Lengkap

Download Novel Assassin's Creed Series Lengkap  - Novel Assassin’s Creed Series dibuat sesuai dengan dongeng di dalam game Assassin's Creed. Menceritakan pertempuran antara ordo Assassin dan Templar. Seperti  gamenya, novelnya pun juga mendapatkan sambutan hangat di banyak Negara.

Assassin's Creed Renaissance

s Creed Series dibuat sesuai dengan dongeng di dalam game Assassin Download Novel Assassin's Creed Series Lengkap

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The first novel, "Renaissance", was published in 2009. The novel features Ezio Auditore da Firenze; a man who seeks revenge for the murder of his family. Ezio begins to train as an assassin and becomes drawn into a war between the Assassin Order and the Knights Templar. The two secret brotherhoods have been combating each other for centuries to secure an ancient technology, called the "Apple", which can alter human minds. Both groups also seek a vault in Italy, which contains the knowledge and technology of an ancient, technologically-superior civilization

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman: 147
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,45 MB
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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

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Brotherhood was released in 2010. It's a novelized version of the game Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Just like its previous book, Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, it does not contain any of the game's present-day events including Desmond; only a reference to a "phantom" by Ezio. Unlike the events of the game which start in 1499, this version of the story starts in 1503. Ezio Auditore struggles to free the city of Rome from the tyranny of Cesare Borgia who seeks to take over Italy.

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman: 327
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,26 MB
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Assassin's Creed The Secret Crusade

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he Secret Crusade follows AltaĂŻr as told by Niccolo Polo. It details the life of AltaĂŻr, an Assassin, beginning with the death of his father. AltaĂŻr watches his father be executed for the unintended death of a noble. Some time later, he also watches one of his father's fellow Assassins kill himself out of guilt over the death of AltaĂŻr's father. AltaĂŻr soon begins to train under Al Mualim, leader of the Assassin Order. Al Mualim instructs him not to tell his fellow Assassin Abbas of his father's suicide. Despite this warning AltaĂŻr tells Abbas, who receives the news poorly. The news that Abbas' father killed himself causes problems between himself and AltaĂŻr.

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman: 265
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,06 MB
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Assassin's Creed  Revelations

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Revelations once again follows Ezio Auditore as he leaves his life behind in search of the truth about the Assassin Order and "Those who came before". The resulting journey leads him to Constantinople where a growing army of Knights Templar threatens the region. It was released on 24 November 2011 in the United Kingdom and on 29 November 2011 in the United States.

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman : 211
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,07 MB
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Assassin's Creed Forsaken

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Forsaken primarily takes on the form of Haytham Kenway’s personal journal and tracks his life from his early childhood in England through to his rise up the Templar ranks. Unlike Revelations this one is written in first person and follows Haytham Kenway only, right from his childhood to his death at the hands of one of the most unexpected character. Haytham is fighting for what he thinks is right while the assassin is fighting for a totally different cause. Forsaken was released on 4 December 2012.

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman: 722
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,58
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Assassin's Creed Black Flag

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Black Flag follows Edward Kenway, Haytham Kenway's father, and Connor's grandfather. It takes place in 1715, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Black Flag was released on 26 November 2013.

Penulis : Oliver Bowden
Bahasa : English
Jumlah halaman : 191
Format ebook: .pdf
Ukuran : 1,03 MB
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Assassin's Creed Unity

Coming soon :)

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