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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus ini yaitu versi terbaru dari
Microsoft Office yang dirilis pada November 2012 ( telat banget gue nge-sharenya :3 ) mungkin kamu sudah pernah mencoba dan menggunakanya. Ok tanpa basa-basi lagi langsung aja di download ...
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System Requiretment: - OS Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2
- CPU 1Ghz
- RAM 1 GB (x86) & 2GB (x64)
- 3GB Free disk space
- .NET Framework 4.0 installed
Other features of Office 2013 include: - Flatter look of the Ribbon interface and subtle animations when typing or selecting (Word and Excel)
- A new visualization for scheduled tasks in Microsoft Outlook
- Remodeled start screen
- New graphical options in Word
- Objects such as images can be freely moved; they snap to boundaries such as paragraph edges, document margin and or column boundaries
- Online picture support with content from Office.com, Bing.com and Flickr
- Ability to return to the last viewed or edited location in Word and PowerPoint
- New slide designs, animations and transitions in PowerPoint 2013
- Support for Outlook.com and Hotmail.com in Outlook
- Support for integration with Skype, Yammer and SkyDrive
- IMAP special folders support
- Excel 2013 supports new limit models, as follows
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